シカゴ購買部協会景気指数(アメリカ)Chicago Business Barometer

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United States of America
2014年1月 59.6 59.0 60.8(59.1から修正) 2014年1月31日(金)23:45
2014年2月 59.8 56.4 59.6 2014年2月28日(金)23:45
2014年3月 55.9 59.5 59.8 2014年3月31日(月)22:45
2014年4月 63.0 57.0 55.9 2014年4月30日(水)22:45
2014年5月 65.5 61.0 63.0 2014年5月30日(金)22:45
2014年6月 62.6 63.0 65.5 2014年6月30日(月)22:45
2014年7月 52.6 63.0 62.6 2014年7月31日(木)22:45
2014年8月 64.3 56.5 52.6 2014年8月29日(金)22:45
2014年9月 60.5 62.0 64.3 2014年9月30日(火)22:45
2014年10月 66.2 60.0 60.5 2014年10月31日(金)22:45


MNI Indicators | Deutsche Börse Group

Kingsbury International, Ltd
Financial Market News, Foreign Exchange Markets (Real-Time) | MNI

MNI Chicago Business Barometer
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MNI Chicago Report is produced in partnership with ISM-Chicago.
ISM Chicago, Inc.


Deutsche Börse Acquires Assets of Kingsbury International

U.S.-based firm produces leading economic indicator “Chicago PMI”

June 27, 2011

Deutsche Börse: Deutsche Börse has acquired the assets of Kingsbury International Ltd., a U.S.-based business and economic consulting firm known for creating and releasing the monthly Chicago Business Barometer, also known as the Chicago Purchasing Managers’ Index (Chicago PMI). The acquisition was completed for a US$ amount in the single-digit million range that includes a performance-related payment. This transaction further enhances the Market Data & Analytics segment by expanding its global product offering.

“The Chicago Business Barometer is one of the most widely followed barometers among professional traders and market participants who use macroeconomic figures to make informed trading decisions,” said Holger Wohlenberg, Managing Director, Market Data & Analytics for Deutsche Börse Group. “With this transaction, we are able to offer our customers direct access to an important U.S. data source.”

The Institute for Supply Management’s Chicago affiliate, ISM-Chicago, is a non-profit purchasing and supply organization that partners with Kingsbury in developing the Chicago Business Barometer. ISM-Chicago Immediate Past President Steven Brundridge and Executive Vice President Dan Martin have been involved in the review and oversight for this transition on behalf of ISM-Chicago. “This transfer provides platform stability and the potential to provide a broader audience for this key economic data,” said Mr. Brundridge.


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